Takeaway Dessert


Brazilian pudding

【Brazilian Pudding  1/16cut】
A rich Brazilian pudding made with condensed milk that is also popular in Japan.
1/16th the size of a whole pudding

1cut  ¥216(tax included)

3cut  ¥540(tax included)


Maria mole

【Maria Mole】 

🇺🇸A traditional Brazilian sweet with an irresistible marshmallow-like softness. The sprinkled coconut flavor gives it a Brazilian feel.

Contains 10 cuts.


1pack ¥540(tax include)




🇺🇸A pudding-like dessert made with corn and topped with cinnamon.

¥432(tax include)



【Brazilian Pudding】

A rich pudding made with plenty of condensed milk.

The 22cm size means plenty for everyone to enjoy.

 Please place your order at least 3 days in advance.



1 whole ¥3,800 (tax included)


Call us to order


For take-out orders, please call us.
Please understand that there may be some items or times when we are unable to prepare your order.